Läxa i engelska till tisdag v. 15

Ni ska ha koll på allt som rör modala hjälpverb. Det blir ett läxförhör på hela området. /Heike

Engelska: läxa till tisdag v.14

Uppgifterna i stencilhäftet ska vara klara t o m uppgift 107. Rätta med hjälp av facit. Om ni har frågor ang olika översättningsalternativ eller ang reglerna vill vi att ni frågar. Skriv gärna upp eventuella frågor så att ni inte glömmer bort dem. Det är viktigt att ni förstår varför det ska vara på ett visst sätt så att ni kan känna er säkra inför det avslutande förhöret. Datum för förhöret kommer vi överens om på tisdag.

/Heike och Robin

Engelska till torsdag 31/3

Glöm inte att plugga de 20 prickade glosorna från "Harriet's horrible dream". /Heike

Grammatikdiagnos i engelska

Tisdag 18/1 är det dags för en diagnos på -ing-former.

Engelska de närmaste veckorna

The boy in the striped pajamas

by John Boyne


Discussion in class


Written tasks



The discussion in class will be based on the following questions:

1.     Why are Bruno’s family moving from their house in Berlin?

Who are coming with them?

2.     Describe the members of the family.

3.     Why are the grandparents not moving with them?

4.     Compare the house in Berlin with the house in Out-With.

5.     How did Maria come to work in the family?

6.     Gradually Bruno learns how “the people in striped pajamases” are treated. Give examples.

7.     Describe Bruno’s contact with Herr Liszt and Lieutenant Kotler.

8.     “The dot that becomes a speck that becomes a blob…” Who is Shmuel? Describe Bruno’s and Shmuel’s friendship.

9.     What is happening to Gretel in Out-With?

10.                   What do you think the author John Boyne wants to tell his readers?



Answer all the questions on page 1 and take an active part in the discussion.

Write a list of 20 words which you can spell and translate. (Swe-Eng, Eng-Swe)

Write a letter to Bruno’s father or mother and tell them what you think of them.



Answer all the questions on page 1 and take an active part in the discussion. The quality of your answers must be on VG-level.

Give three new questions to discuss. The questions are supposed to be on an advanced level.

Write a list of 30 words that you can spell and translate. (Swe-Eng, Eng-Swe)

Answer 2 of the questions for discussion on page 2-3 in the end of the book (not nr. 7).



Answer all the questions on page 1 and take an active part in the discussion. The quality of your answers must be on MVG-level.

Give five new questions to discuss. The questions are supposed to be on an advanced level.

Write a list of 40 words that you can spell and translate. (Swe-Eng, Eng-Swe)

Answer 4 of the questions for discussion on page 2-3 in the end of the book including nr. 7.


The wordlists you hand in are not to be written by hand!



Jan 11th:  introducing the book

Jan 13th:  repetition of grammar, optional reading

Jan 18th:  grammar test, reading

Jan 20th:  reading

Jan 27th:  reading

Feb 1st:  reading, hand in your wordlists

Feb 2nd: You must have finished the book!

Feb 3rd:  discussion in class, hand in your own questions or the letter

Feb 8th or 10th: discussion of new questions and individual vocabulary test

Engelska till tisdag

Finish "The wolf's story".

Läxa i engelska

Läxa till torsdag 9/12 är preposition + ing-form s. 150/151 i textboken. Ni ska behärska uttrycken samt självklart veta hur ni översätter dem till svenska.

Läxa i engelska till tisdag 30/11

Answer the following questions about the movie "Thank you for smoking":

1) Describe Nick Naylor. What do you get to know about his trait of character¹ and his set of values²?
    (¹= karaktärsdrag, ²= värderingar). I don't want you to describe what N. N. looks like but what he thinks and      how he works.

2) What's the difference between negotiation and arguments?

3)  In what way does N. N. convince Lorne Lutch (the Marlboro Man) to accept the money and to keep quiet? 

Läxa i engelska till torsdag 25/11

Skriv minst en halv A4-sida på temat "When I made a fool of myself".

Looking forward to reading your stories!

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